This CitiIQ Introduction Briefly Covers the Primary Features of the Platform

Synergine provides innovative, transformational and enduring solutions to the challenges faced by cities and communities through a depth of world class technical expertise. Specialists in understanding the convergence of economic, environmental, social and cultural considerations of cities, Synergine uses a true multidisciplinary approach to the design of a more liveable, just and sustainable future for its global client base. Synergine is a founding partner of CitiIQ and operates from Auckland, New Zealand.

The UN-Habitat’s vision of “a better quality of life for all in an urbanizing world” is bold and ambitious. UN-Habitat works with partners to build inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable cities and communities. UN-Habitat promotes urbanization as a positive transformative force for people and communities, reducing inequality, discrimination and poverty. UN-Habitat works in over 90 countries to promote transformative change in cities and human settlements through knowledge, policy advice, technical assistance and collaborative action. CitiIQ is an invited member of a special task force to advance an improved data framework for cities globally.
The Durham College Hub for Applied Research in Artificial Intelligence for Business Solutions (the AI Hub) offers industry partners access to technical expertise, state-of-the-art facilities and platforms, and student talent, to uncover business insights while providing intelligent and autonomous solutions that increase productivity and growth. Regardless of size and age, from start-up to long-established enterprise, all businesses are encountering similar challenges as they work to adopt, embrace and adapt artificial intelligence in their business operations. CitiIQ has partnered with Durham College to develop supporting technologies for data acquisition and processing.

CitiIQ has created a comprehensive system that objectively measures the overall health and wellbeing of a city. Employing evidence-based methodology, the CitiIQ diagnostic tool informs human-centric design and helps a city, community or town reach its full potential.
Working to become the global standard for city measurement, CitiIQ encompasses the economic, social and environmental infrastructures of a city. This is accomplished through a diagnostic tool comprised of 35 Considerations (areas of concern), within 5 Dimensions (priority levels), that are based on data driven by over 120 Indicators (measurements).
The CitiIQ algorithm normalizes scores out of 100 and weights through non-linear aggregation to provide a meaningful, comparable view by Consideration, Dimension and the City as a whole.
CitiIQ is offered through a cloud-based license to those interested in a city in order to:
- assess its strengths and weaknesses
- build consensus and set goals for improvement
- mark progress toward objectives
- report to stakeholders

Blyth Group is a Family Office that places financial and human capital behind ideas with global impact. It provides strategic advisory and mediation services to select international clients. Blyth is a founding partner of CitiIQ operating from Toronto, Canada.

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