Compatibility — CitiIQ


CitiIQ is based on real city dynamics and is therefore compatible across a wide range of measurement and indicator systems including your own city or organizational system. 


CitiIQ and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

The SDGs were developed by the United Nations to foster cooperative growth and end poverty, protect natural resources and support peace and prosperity for all. The objective was to achieve this together by 2030. By using 17 different themes or areas, a range of smaller indicators could be integrated and balance social, economic and environmental sustainability. CitiIQ represents a fully integrated measurement system for cities and maps very well to the 17 SDGs. This means that adoption of CitiIQ assures strong alignment with the 2030 SDG goals.

CitiIQ and the Global Urban Monitoring Framework

The Global Urban Monitoring Framework is a new guide that supports the SDGs and New Urban Agenda with a more compact set of key indicators. The goal is to provide a more harmonized, effective, and adoptable framework for cities at all scales across the globe to support quality of life improvements everywhere. The framework consists of 71 indicators and five overarching themes. The left side of this image reflects the 114 CitiIQ Indicators mapped to the 71 GUMF indicators.

CitiIQ and the New Urban Agenda (NUA)

The roots of the New Urban Agenda (NUA) can be traced back to Vancouver in 1976 when Habitat I turned the spotlight on sustainable human settlements. Through a series of meetings, conferences and consultations, the New Urban Agenda arose from Habitat III in 2016 and has provided specific guidance for progress on developing sustainable human settlements. The structure of the NUA consists of 6 Categories, 23 Sub Categories and 77 Indicators and has strong alignment with the CitiIQ framework. The integrated, normalized and scored values arising from the CitiIQ system significantly buttress NUA objectives.

CitiIQ and the ISO 37120:2018

Being able to compare or measure different things requires some common agreement. For many decades, the ISO has provided frameworks across more than 20,000 processes and dynamics that support comparison. The ISO 37120:2018 standard outlines a holistic set of data points that a city or municipality can use to determine performance. The objective may be gaining ground on their own goals or comparing progress with other cities or municipalities. This comparability is central to CitiIQ, as is the functionally comprehensive objective of the indicators used by CitiIQ. Mapping CitiIQ against the ISO 37120:2018 reveals a high degree of compatibility.


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