Concept — CitiIQ


The CitiIQ measurement system exists to inform human-centric design and help cities reach their full potential.


Watch this 2 minute video about CitiIQ:


The Need to Measure a City


Modern cities face unprecedented challenges. The traditional governance concerns of a city are difficult enough, but leaders and decision makers now face the overwhelming responsibility for rapid population growth, unforeseen migration, social exclusion and inequality, as well as issues surrounding climate change and sustainability.

People generally believe that cities offer an improved way of life. This is resulting in a dramatic urban surge, placing significant strain on municipal resources across the globe.

The United Nations forecasts the most acute urban growth to occur within the continents of Africa and Asia, where urban populations are expected to exceed twice their current size. Over the next 30 years, global trends are expected to result in urban growth equating to 250 additional cities with a population of 10 million.

These challenges provide a unique opportunity for city leadership to harness the potential of creative, human-centric design strategies. The willingness to honestly assess the strengths and weaknesses of one’s city, acquire accurate and meaningful data, and set measurable objectives are three critical elements of an effective approach.

CitiIQ is working to become the global standard of measurement for the health and wellbeing of a city. We have developed a diagnostic tool that offers a comprehensive, objective view of the elements of a city, based on scientific expertise and real data.

Globally accessible using a licensed cloud-based interface, the CitiIQ measurement system represents a strong step toward effectively knowing and addressing the priorities and opportunities of a city.




2018 Global Population


2050 Global
Population (Forecast)



2018 Urban


2050 Urban
Population (Forecast)


The CitiIQ Measurement System


CitiIQ is a proprietary diagnostic tool that objectively measures the social, environmental and economic infrastructure of a city, community or town. The framework scores a city on 35 Considerations (areas of concern), within 5 Dimensions (priority levels), based on data driven by over 120 Indicators (measurements).   The CitiIQ algorithm normalizes scores out of 100 and weights through non-linear aggregation to provide a meaningful, comparable view of each Consideration, Dimension and the City as a whole.


CitiIQ employs an evidence-based methodology enabling decision makers to objectively:

  • assess the strengths and weaknesses of a city
  • build consensus and set goals for improvement
  • mark progress toward objectives
  • report to stakeholders

While subject to the availability of data, CitiIQ is designed to be applicable to any city or community across the globe, contributing effective insight for decision makers and stakeholders. 


Free Trial of Demo City