CitiIQ Develops Daily COVID-19 Trending Feature across 1400 Global Cities for UN-Habitat

Toronto – November 30, 2020   CitiIQ has added an important daily trending function to the UN-Habitat COVID-19 tracking platform developed earlier this year. The daily trending feature enables rapid identification of COVID-19 cases globally by displaying city-based COVID trending. This trending includes display of cities where cases are declining and cities where cases are increasing. The new feature provides a worldview of the global pandemic situation on any given day (

The front-line battle against the pandemic is often fought at a city level. Timely information is critical in managing scarce public resources and in determining the effect of changes. Through this platform, UN-Habitat has offered decision support tools based on the most current data for those helping cities around the world to combat COVID-19.

Daily COVID-19 data is collected through the CitiIQ platform and displayed as a % increase or decrease trending value for each city. Where cases are trending downward, the platform displays green values. Where a given city has an increasing number of cases, the platform displays red values. Rates of change near zero are grey. The lower portion of the site includes trending graphs for both cases and lives lost. Case data is enriched with a moving average overlay for each city.


The UN-Habitat platform is capable of sourcing, translating and communicating both the COVID-19 Responsiveness scores of cities as well as daily trending patterns. From this new daily trending feature, we are able to classify cities can be classified in levels using nearing close to real-time by levels of direction of impact using new cases data (see table below).


Regular updates on the trending can be accessed via the CitiIQ Twitter feed @citi_iq or via LinkedIn. These updates include a global map view of trending by country and a two-week window view (see below).

The UN-Habitat COVID-19 tracking site displays a score out of 100 that represents the overall response of a city since the pandemic began. The addition of the trending % gives the most current view of what is occurring in each city.

The COVID-19 pandemic has proven resistant to singular strategies and responses. Cities often progress well only to face the difficult task of re-instituting tough restrictions at a later time. Up-to-date trending data is critical in responding to the crisis.

Powering the platform, CitiIQ uses global metrics to provide critical information for protecting populations and informing resilience and recovery strategies and future responses to global pandemics. Using a range of machine learning and analytic tools, CitiIQ makes extensive use of automation techniques to collect COVID-19 data on more than 1400 cities every day.

CitiIQ is best known for authoring a unique diagnostic tool for cities to create a score for 35 different city considerations. These scores, driven by city-data, allow comparison of cities around the world as well as individual city progress toward improved quality of life for citizens.

Key Facts

  • The web-based visual platform provides scoring for over 1,400 global cities including those with a population of 500,000 or higher along with country capitals and state/provincial capitals for the USA, Brazil, India, and China.

  • The COVID-19 Responsiveness tracker for cities is a unique scoring mechanism that integrates a range of data points to provide a COVID-19 Readiness Score and a COVID-19 Responsiveness Score on a scale of 0-100.

  • The Responsiveness Score is based on four core indicator areas: spread, treatment, economic response and supply chain.

For further information CONTACT:
Milton Friesen, General Manager

Milton Friesen